Welcome In..Look Around...there is much laughter, joy & tears to be found.

I will share with you a look at my life's journey. A look of who i am ...where i have come from & where I hope to be heading... I have so much to share...so much to say.... please feel free to join me on my journey... I appreciate your company & support

Monday, July 5, 2010

Values....life & other wonderful things

I have been a little pre-occupied this last week. Hence the sparsity of my blogging.But to keep in line with my online journalling I want to talk about my own personal Values....... I guess the reality is my values underpin all my actions...my beliefs & my perspectives of life. Ultimately how I act, react, think & talk...the very language I use.... the eyes I see the world from.... the very core of my psyche.... ME... even the way I walk & represent myself to the rest of the world.... & what I see when i look in the mirror.... or indeed when I look into the mirror of your reflection.

I was brought up to be a good Catholic girl....I have always had a strong faith...but of recent years I call myself more spiritual and NOT religious. I can see that many beliefs, many paths have levels of enlightenment.... I am eclectically spiritual.... I guess I could even quantify that further & say that I derive much of my inspiration....love....joy....Values from Nature..... from watching the birds & the bees.... the trees as they sway in the breeze.....the Sun as it shines down & bathes the Earth in radiant light. I find nature teaches me many lessons about life.....acceptance.....allowing......loving.....growing & VALUES....Nature is me & I am Nature

My core values....are centered around RESPECT...... Respect of myself....my fellow citizen.... respect of my culture...of other cultures....of the Earth...Respect of my role as mother & wife.....As Me....Mary the person.... the collective entity...of all the roles i play in life....

Respect is Valuable.... In all honesty I don't care if people like me.....I do care that I am afforded the same degree of respect that I afford others... Respect is crucial in ensuring the world rotates peacefully.

What do I mean by RESPECT...... My personal belief.... This is what I see RESPECT as implying....My take......

It identifies DIFFERENCE.... the UNIQUE quality of each person....animal...plant etc

It understands that difference is to be embrace & appreciated.....valued...looked at accordingly.

It implies a degree of self-worth....self-acceptance & seeing this in others....

It implies that I have a grounded realistic view of myself...my abilities & my dreams.....

It implies that I value the same qualities & attributes in others.

It implies that birth right & STATUS are irrelevant...

it implies that each person was created equally in the eyes of GOD (or whatever deity you choose to follow...or likewise not follow)

It implies listening....attempting to understand...to empathise.....regardless if the views may not be in line with yours.

Respect is something that is not simply given because one demands it...... respect is an honour that is given..... it is an active choice for me.... to say I RESPECT that person...I see that person for who they are & what they have done.....

I value RESPECT....

It dances well with integrity....loyalty.....honesty......and the big one....LOVE

Absolutely..respect cannot be demanded.... that is simply servitude in my eyes.... Respect is something that runs deeper...it is a conscious choice..... it manifests in our actions, thoughts & language towards ourselves & others......

Honestly if we were to do a survey of our life....placing those we respect in 1 column & those we have chosen not to respect in another column...... we would see a clear pattern emerge..... it could tell us about ourselves...our life & what we value & how we process & heal.....

Respect is something we earn.... it is not on our terms but on the terms of those who graciously grant us it. But it must start with self-respect...yet this is a very complex subject....complicated by many things.....for some the search for self-respect is like the holy grail itself...seems elusive.... unobtainable.... especially if we have been told repeatedly that you are not worthy or respect or love (not myself...but others who have been exposed to abusive parent-child relationships)

but self-respect is a crucial tool...to successfully navigate life.....we are all fragile creatures & the actions & words of others (those we put trust & faith in...elders, parents caregivers etc) help us to value ourselves..... or sadly not value our true self.....

by respecting myself...... I love my mind...my body...& I treat it accordingly.... By respecting my family..... I live a life that exemplifies that respect & love.....

This sounds so preachy ...but its not....

RESPECT can be murky waters.... the word can summon up negative feelings of being enforced to respect..... I guess I have always been one to buck the system...... you could never buy my love & respect with harsh words or sweet promises of nothing.... I have always been a person of principle & observed...observed people...their words & actions...... & I have judged myself the same way....

I hope you are able to show respect to yourself & others..... it is a wonderful gift...a gift that keeps on giving.... but definitely one not to be taken for granted.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a cool post.
    Who could not agree... maybe those who abuse granted respect from others. But it often doesn't last. Once the spell is broken, the connexion is lost and never the same again. Offered respect is like a gift of self, in hopes to make a better world. It often comes profusely from children, who love unconditionally... a gift, a joy to treasure, a cement for a strong relationship.

    Thanks for sharing these profound thoughts.
